Write flawless Arabic with less time and less cost
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Plans Features | Paid Plans | Business plan | Business | ||
Proofreading services | |||||
Advanced spellchecking | |||||
Grammar checking | |||||
Ayat proofreading | |||||
English checking | |||||
Rephrasing | |||||
Simplify | |||||
Enhance | |||||
Rhetorical | |||||
Text Translation Service | |||||
Translate text from English to Arabic | |||||
Translate text from Arabic to English | |||||
Phrasing improvements | |||||
Suggest the standard alternative for foreign words | |||||
Suggest the formal alternative for informal words | |||||
Suggest improvements on related phrases | |||||
Suggest equivalent expressions | |||||
Auto Tashkeel | |||||
Full vocalization | |||||
Words endings | |||||
Selected vocalization (tanween fath/ shaddah) | |||||
Remove vocalization service | |||||
Management of Al-Mojam | |||||
Management of terminologies | |||||
Adding a list of terminologies at once | |||||
Keyboard Mobile App | |||||
Keyboard Mobile App | |||||
Plagiarism | |||||
Plagiarism Get 12000 Free Words with Yearly Subscription | |||||
OCR | |||||
OCR Get 360 Free Pages with Yearly Subscription | |||||
Tools, extensions, and extras | |||||
Web browser | |||||
Google docs addon | |||||
Microsoft Word addin | |||||
Outlook addon | |||||
Linking with selected programs | |||||
Special plugin for WordPress | |||||
API, or SDK | |||||
Reports | |||||
Word count reports | |||||
Calculating the number and type of errors | |||||
Reports for each user in a specific time period | |||||
Team management | |||||
Add writers | |||||
Add admins | |||||
Adjust Permissions | |||||
Data processing | |||||
On-cloud | |||||
On-premise deployment | |||||
Support and maintenance | |||||
Email | |||||
Hotline | |||||
Support and maintenance 24/7 |
Business plan
A plan appropriate for companies, institutes, ministries,
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